Canadian Paid Care Work Over Time, 1991-2016.
Monica Boyd and Alice Hoe
December 2020 Release
For the above spreadsheet, Tables A1 through A12 present data on the characteristics of workers in 9 major care categories across 6 successive census years, from 1991-2016. The categories incorporate skill classifications originally developed by Human Resources and Development Canada in the late 1980s and first implemented with the 1991 Census of Population. In order to present comparable data across time, we harmonized care occupations using several occupational classifications: Soc91, NOC2001, NOC2006H (for both the 2006 and 2011 censuses) and NOC2016. See the sheet ‘Care Classification_2016’ for complete details.
Viewers may notice the symbols *** or (na) in some worksheets. The release of small numbers is not permitted under Statistics Canada guidelines for the Research Data Centres. This can affect the entire numerical array. In charts, a value of zero reflects the suppression of small numbers by the RDC.